The Power of Recommendations
Today there is a lot of focus to upgrade your social media skills and to be present on these media with interesting stories and information. Personally, I am a big fan of LinkedIn to share information that will help my readers. We are all searching for ways to boost our businesses, certainly in the recent Covid-19 period.
I would love to share an old but highly effective manner to bring your business to another level. This method is as old as the streets; however, one thing is sure, it still delivers great results if you are open for it namely, asking recommendations from your customers.
The reactions that I do get when I suggest my clients to ask for recommendations vary from "No way I am not a beggar", "I don't like it" ,"Customers don't like it", "It will impact my trust relation", "I have never done it", " I received no coaching on this topic" to "That's what I always did in the past and it really worked for me, why do I not use it anymore?", "Why not give a try and watch the outcome".
Whatever your beliefs you will act upon them. If you believe recommendations will not work for you, they will not work for you. Why? Because you will not be in the right mindset to ask them. Your body language and the words that will come out of you will not inspire your customers to help you.
To obtain recommendations, you need to have a positive mindset and a strong belief that it will really help you. To strengthen your mindset, focus on what you want, not what you do not want. The more you focus on what you do not want the more you will get it. Please do not fall into that trap. As Anthony Robbins states "Where focus goes energy flows."
Demonstrate a powerful body language radiating high energy, catching enthusiasm & charisma. Work on your limiting beliefs first. It makes no sense to follow a training session if you first do not churn your limiting beliefs into pushing beliefs. It will be a waste of time, money and energy and it will result in frustration. That is what we do not want.
A final piece of advice prepare your sentences, perform deliberate practice until it will be fluent. Ask for feedback of your colleagues and why not asking feedback of your good customers with the ones you have a great relation. Explain first what you want to reach for. They will help you with pleasure.
Recommendations are one of the fastest ways to get more customers, why not you give a try.
Follow Nike's advice "JUST DO IT"
Have a great day and wishing you all good business,