Obtaining a Successful Sales Force

We are all aware of the impact of COVID on our Sales Force. The first thing, that was needed, was to focus on how to stay in connection with our customers. Your Sales Force made the shift from face-to-face calls to virtual calls with your customers.         

That was not always quite easy to do, because most of your team members needed to get out of the comfort zone. It was crucial to acquire new skills such as working with Teams or Zoom. It was not only a new way of working for your team but also for your customers.         

My observation was that after some time most of the Sales Forces started working very well with these new tools. Today the use of the virtual tools are fully integrated in their daily activities. What was awkward at the start became natural after some time. A true change happened. Oefff!         

Today your Sales Force performs again face to face calls. I have observed a relief that virtual working was less needed. I saw a lot of happiness when the Sales Force could connect again head-to-head, belly-to-belly, knee-to-knee with their customers.   

What did stroke me when I went on the field was that some skills such as: asking relevant questions, reframing, double clicking, active listening were less demonstrated compared to the past. I even dare to state that there was a regression of the use of these capital skills. Maybe it is not the case of your Sales Force and I hope so.     

My personal advice is to perform a Sales Skills Reality Check with other words β€œTo Measure is to Know". For that reason, we started up the Sales & Marketing Improvement Process. It will help you to have a clear view where your Sales Force stands today. If you would like to obtain more information, click here, if you prefer to perform a quick sales scan click here. Please note that today we are only starting to operate in the Dutch part of Belgium. For more sales training information, check out our Sales courses!


Wishing you all an enjoyable day,  

Alexander Nijs


The First Connection with a Customer


The Crucial Importance of Mindset in Sales